OneSource (ONE)
OneSource, Consultoria Informática Lda. (ONE) ( is an SME specialized in the areas of data communications, security, networking and systems management, including the consultancy, auditing, design, development and lifetime administration of specialized IT solutions for corporate networks, public-sector institutions, utilities and telecommunications operators. OneSource is a technological spin-off of the Instituto Pedro Nunes, a non-profit private organization for innovation and technology transfer between the University of Coimbra and the industry and business sectors.

Luis Cordeiro
Project Manager
Luis Cordeiro is CTO of OneSource, where he leads large product development and systems integration projects since 2004. He has also been involved in several European research projects, being for instance the technical coordinator of the H2020 project where the EMPATIA platform for PB was developed and leading the integration workpackages of large projects in the field of telecommunications. He is regularly invited to lecture in Universities and Polytechnic Institutes, and is author of dozens of scientific publications and IETF drafts. Before joining OneSource, Luis has led the outsourcing business unit of Instituto Pedro Nunes.
Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMC)
The Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMC-i3S is part of the multidisciplinary Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (i3S). i3S results from the long-term collaboration between three research institutes of which Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular (IBMC) is the largest ( I3S exists as a brick-and-mortar institute since late 2015 and is now the largest biomedical research institution in Portugal and rated as “Excellent” in the most recent evaluation by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), being one of the largest research institutes in Portugal. It fosters an environment of real breakthrough research and innovation in basic, applied and translational Health and Life sciences.

Nuno Franco
Scientific Coordinator
Nuno Franco is a laboratory animal scientist with degrees in both Science Education and Animal Biology, and a PhD in Biomedical Sciences (2012), with a thesis on Animal Welfare and Refinement in biomedical research. He researches and publishes not only on laboratory animal welfare, but also on the legal, social, ethical, and scientific issues in animal research, as well as in science communication and education. Nuno is co-PI of the FCT-funded EVIEDVET project ( on veterinary education, leader of ACLAM-funded project on identification of early humane endpoints in models of sepsis, and a member of the FELASA WG on Experimental Design, having previously participated in the FELASA WG on Severity 10/57 Classification. Nuno has taught modules 1, 2, 3.2 (mouse and rat), 4, 5 (mouse and rat), 9, 10 and 11 in LAS courses at six Portuguese universities and research institutes, and has organised courses and workshops on Experimental Design, Competence Assessment, and Severity Classification of procedures (being a FELASA-designated trainer) both in Portugal and abroad. He led WG5 of the EUfunded ETPLAS Pilot Project, being responsible for setting up the ETPLAS website and e-learning platform. Nuno also founded and coordinates the Portuguese Network of Animal Welfare Bodies - 'RedeORBEA', and sits on the board of national and international LAS and animal research organizations. Nuno is also furthermore webmaster for three websites, and occasional logo designer (e.g., for SPCAL, RedeORBEA, and ETPLAS).
Utrecht University (UU)
Utrecht University has a long history in laboratory animal sciences. In 1983, Utrecht University (UU) established the first laboratory animal science chair, linked to the laboratory animal science department. This was part of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ( This gave laboratory animal science in the Netherlands official scientific status.

Ivo Tiebosch
Ivo started off as a biologist and has been alternating between education and research, having taught at secondary school, followed by Faculty of veterinary Medicine. He did his PhD at the UMC Utrecht where he studied the effects on anti-inflammatory treatments on stroke outcome in animal models. After this he returned to education as a lecturer in (amongst other subjects) animal science at the Utrecht University of Applied science, where he trained animal technicians for over eight years, until he became a member of the Animal Welfare Body in Utrecht. Ivo is passionate about validity of measurements and has been astonished by the fact that so many researchers and teachers, take the risk of getting invalid measurements with major consequences. Hence Ivo has developed and given training on both examination and experimental design within life-long-learning programs. Ivo tries to use his experience in education and educational developments to improve the validity of measurements within (animal) science. Recently he has become board member of the Dutch Association for Laboratory Animal Science (DALAS) with a focus on training and education.
Wim de Leeuw
Veterinarian and Laboratory Animal Expert
Dr. de Leeuw is a veterinarian and laboratory animal expert. He was a researcher and head of the laboratory at the Central Veterinary Institute and project leader at the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality and the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority. He worked in parasitic immunology and in policy development, supervision, guidelines and regulations, also internationally. He is a member of the Netherlands National Committee for the protection of animals used for scientific purposes.