Expertise from around the union is appreciated to support this development with feedback and testing. With this help we aim to ensure that these online training modules provide maximum support and harmonization for training within laboratory animal sciences within the union.
Hence we ask those interested and qualifying to join a reflection group.
Who and how to help
We will compose a reflection group which is asked to:
- Provide feedback on newly developed learning outcomes for a competence assessor;
- Provide feedback on the content setup of all modules mentioned;
- Review the training module beta version;
- Test the module in a blended learning course
Time schedule
You will be asked for your expertise on several occasions (see the timeline in figure 1).
Step 1 Within a few months, a selection of the reflection group, specifically interested in competence assessment will be asked to reflect on competence assessor learning outcomes.
Step 2 In the last months of 2022, all reflection group members will be asked to reflect on the setup of the module designed. The focus will be on the content, what the main aims are, what subjects are addressed and whether this fits the target audience.
Step 3 In the last months of 2023 all reflection group members will be asked to test the learning environment and review its potential effective use.
Step 4 In the first months of 2024 a selection of reflection group members which run courses at that time point are asked to use the modules within a blended learning strategy or a flip-the-classroom approach.
At the end of 2024 the modules should be ready for open access through the ETPLAS website to be integrated into education or used for continuous professional development.